Intelligent solutions for decentralized energy systems

The right energy, in the right place, at the right time, in the right amount.

All energies.
All states.
All parameters.

All controlled.

Power and heat, gas and hydrogen. Today’s energy supply requires perfect coordination. From CHP and energy stations to grid control, management, and virtual power plants for optimization and trading: solutions without cost-intensive programming are standard for us, so they’re standardized.

All sectors.
All plants.
All infrastructures.

All combined.

Homogeneous communication infrastructure, coordinated interfaces and a uniform control concept ensure highly efficient operation and maximum secureness of supply across all sectors. Our solutions deliver an economically attractive, anytime scalable, modular integrated concept.

All prosumers.
All storages.
All marketers.

All optimized.

Renewable energy, flexible storage solutions, plus predictive generation and load management for optimization and marketing. Increasing complexity requires simple but smarter solutions with a sustainable vision. Our solutions provide all of this, ensuring long-term energy savings and efficiency.

Our product solutions

Modular. Integrated. Scalable.

XSECTOR energy control

Where heat is generated, the SE²MASTER is in the middle – our freely configurable solution for superordinate control of iCHP and CHP systems, such as cogeneration plants, heating stations or energy stations, in residential districts, hospitals, swimming bathes and in the industrial sector. Cogeneration units, electrolyzers, heat pumps and boilers as well as heat storage systems, pumps and valves operate in perfect coordination. Modular control even down to heating distribution networks with multiple energy stations.

Did you know? We also have a solution for pure CHP plants that is 100% integrable into the overall system. E²CON-CHP, our engine and CHP control system, enables a safe and flexible operation of virtually any gas engine, even when operating with hydrogen admixture, and all peripheral CHP equipment with just one controller.

The best part: Simple configuration instead of sophisticated programming – even complex systems can be expanded and quickly integrated at any time.

XSECTOR plant optimization

With surpluses, you can achieve either additional revenues when electricity prices are high, or lower consumption costs when electricity prices are low.

For cost-cutting and revenue-increasing management of all producers, consumers and storage systems in CHP or iCHP plants, our plant optimizer SE²OPTIMIZER is a unique solution. With AI-driven demand forecasting as well as weather and power price forecasts, overall economic optimization of operations is performed automatically on site, releasing previously unexploited system flexibilities for marketing.

We enable direct access to RE plants – such as wind, solar, biogas – with the SE²BOXIt meets grid operators’ requirements for grid stabilization and those for reserve marketing.

Then, for pooling multiple power plants (CHP, iCHP, RE etc.), SE²DIRECTOR takes the helm. It ensures aggregated schedule management in the network and therefore overall operational optimization of all plants.

The best part: Our fee is exclusively linked to the revenue success of optimization.

XSECTOR energy management

The SE²OPERATOR is the central tool for visually representing current process states, controlling, monitoring, and optimizing workflows in supply networks. All data is available anytime via standard interfaces. For example, the energy control system automatically performs the entire configuration of the SE²MASTER. This greatly reduces the workload in visualizing all connected energy generation units.

The SE²MANAGER is the central systems-supported tool for recording all energy-relevant metrics to improve generation and consumption efficiency – and ultimately the yield. Equipped with a high-performance process database and a wide range of SCADA functions as well as a topological overview of measuring points, system locations and structures: for all your live monitoring, data evaluation and reporting requirements, you can rely on user-friendly presentation in real time.

The best part: New and existing plants can be connected at any time using our smart SE²DAQ data logger.

Simple. Standardized. Overarching.

Digitalize the entire energy supply across all sectors with just one solution. Homogeneous data in the entire system – at any point in the energy supply chain – for reliable plant control, in grid control technology, for optimization and for the best possible revenues in energy trading, Standardized processes, easy handling, faster project cycles, and plants that are coordinated and scalable in detail: these are the deciding factors for economic success in the decentralized energy economy of the future.

Which energies, sectors, plants or infrastructures can we combine more economically for you or integrate as a complete system? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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