The simplest way of
connecting energy plants
The share of renewable energy producers, such as wind power, photovoltaics or biogas plants is steadily increasing. At the same time, the number of associated energy storage devices and consumers, such as night storage heaters, electric charging columns or street lighting, which are used only at certain times increases. For many of these systems, it makes sense to significantly increase their cost efficiency by means of targeted disconnection or connection. Because, as far as the power in the network is concerned, switching off a consumer has the same effect as connecting a generating plant. Both ways can be marketed directly as a performance reserve.
For these purposes, a simple but winning control box is available - the SE²BOX
With four variants - EEG, MulitDeviceGateway, protection devices, network operator interface - it is exakatly tuned on the appropriate application and ready for use. The SE²BOX fulfills both the requirements of the grid operator for grid stabilization, as well as the replacement market through the balancing group managers.
Advantages AVAT SE²BOX
- Direct EE plant access (wind, PV, biogas plants, etc.)
- Emergency power generators can be used as a power generator
- Use of electricity surpluses via direct marketing
- Earnings increase due to higher management premiums